Hello! It's me, Krystal.

I’m a Human Design guide, healer and mystic, certified life coach, flower essence guide, and mama of 5.

My work is centered around self-empowerment and conscious relationships.

I've been studying Human Design for almost 10 years now - and I recently made the commitment to train and certify with Dr. Karen Curry Parker of Quantum Human Design. I specialize in identity reclamation after life-altering events such as breakups, career shifts, and new parenthood.

My signature Human Design program, Holographic Self, has been a delight to create and share with the world!

my background in unschooling and freebirth

I first discovered unschooling as a teen, and began when my oldest was almost 5 and his sister was a toddler.

After realizing that the commonly held strategy of "child-led" left a lot to be desired in the form of respect and responsibility...I coined the term "relationship-based unschooling" to describe our unique take on parenting and education.

I freebirthed my 5th baby in 2011, after a traumatic 3rd birth and a perfectly lovely homebirth with midwives. This inspired me to support birthing women for many years as a doula and birthkeeper. I count the elder midwife, Whapio, as another of my mentors.

me, labelled

  • 6/2 Self-Projected Projector on the Cross of Obscuration in Human Design

  • Capricorn sun, Gemini moon, Leo rising

  • ENFP in Meyers-Briggs

  • 5w4 in the Enneagram

  • Ravenclaw

  • Native Texan

Favorite movies: Howl's Moving Castle, Pride and Prejudice, and Song of the Sea

Favorite bands/music: HIM, Panic! at the Disco, EDM and handpan drumming

Favorite podcast/Substack: Inelia Benz’ Driving to the Rez

Books that changed my life:

Women Who Run With the Wolves
Dumbing Us Down: The Hidden Curriculum of Compulsory Education

some of my obsessions over the last 20 years include..

Holistic health, herbalism, EFT/Tapping, the Enneagram, bellydance, permaculture, Reiki, palmistry, essential oils, sewing Waldorf dolls, henna art, Harry Potter...and of course, Human Design and Gene Keys.

Please consider ‘buying me a virtual coffee’ by becoming a paid subscriber - and enjoy unfiltered access to my 220+ article collection!

Your generous support means a lot, and allows me to continue sharing and creating freely.

I think it’s time we let go of the lone wolf programming that keeps us disconnected, alone, and small - and reclaim our innate wisdom and MAGIC!

The future is about co-creative, sovereign community! Don’t you agree?

@holographichuman.design on IG

Subscribe to birthawakening

reclaiming our creative, intuitive Selves thru Human Design, holistic motherhood, and conscious choice.


Raising the collective frequency via conscious mothering, Human Design, freebirth, unschooling, and storytelling.