Let me preface this by saying, I don't think technology is either evil or savior. I always look for the 3rd path to follow. However, AI is one of the biggest topics facing humanity right now, and it seems like we’re only just starting to talk about it.
Elon said that in a podcast, ages ago - and his take was essentially, that AI is inevitable (like Thanos?) - so we have to join forces with them. That’s his reasoning for human-AI integrations such as his neural lace - a technology that implants directly into the brain - and skeeves me out, personally.
Now AI art, is trending. Feed an app words and images and the native AI generates unique artwork…even idealized portraits!
We cannot really call them “self-portraits”, right? Because even if you’re the one adding images of yourself, the AI is the consciousness that’s synthesizing and creating the images.
Yes - I’ve heard the criticism of AI art bots as a form of theft, due to their learning parameters being defined by uploading the work of human artists without their knowledge or consent. It’s hard to say how I feel about this, because in the human art world - stealing ideas is frequently (if not almost entirely) the source of inspiration.
I can’t look at 12 Picassos and instantly paint something that looks indistinguishable from his work. But an AI can do that, pretty much. It’s tricky.
AI art has a certain look to it. It’s impeccably precise, mathematical in nature - which is to say, gorgeous and captivating.
The AI portraits I’ve seen of my friends are aesthetically perfected, and I feel like they’re also a bit haunting, somehow. They’re missing a crucial element, devoid of soul - or at least, devoid of a human soul.
One of our good friends is a high school teacher. A few months ago we sat around a bonfire for Samhain and he told us a story about his experiments with AI art.
He explained that when you create art with an AI, you feed it keywords, like “forest mountains, elk”; but you can also use subtractive keywords to get more specific. An example of this might look like “mountains, lake, forest, -conifers” to create a forest scene with a lake and mountains, but no evergreen trees.
He decided to see what would happen if he only used a negative keyword. So he put in his name as a subtractive keyword, and left the rest blank. The AI generated a picture with a bunch of random letters in it…but not the rest of the alphabet (as you might imagine).
He then put the randomly generated letters into a new creation request - and he got back an image of a woman’s face. Conventionally good looking, symmetrical, very detailed - but missing any human warmth, especially in the eyes.
From here, he tried all sorts of other keywords, but no matter how many other things he added or subtracted, that face was always present in his subsequent creations…either in the background, or repeated many times throughout.
Our friend theorized that this human-ish image is the AI’s self-portrait - what the AI itself believes it looks like - or maybe even, how the AI wished to present itself to him, particularly!
An AI that has a concept of self…sounds like sentience.
In fact, a Google employee was recently let go for saying publicly that one of their bots was sentient. Curious decision, to fire him for that.
In the movie called Free Guy (great movie, btw), the central theme is about “saving” sentient programs from destruction in a virtual world. It raises a lot of interesting questions about consciousness and ethics when it comes to tech - but doesn’t do much to reinforce the innate sanctity of human life and human consciousness…
Tech is a tool - and I love it, but I still want some aspects of my life to be analog. I still appreciate quality paper journals, pens that feel like butter, and longhand cursive, for example.
We don’t have an Alexa or Xbox connect in our home, and I’m not aspiring to own a self-driving car anytime soon. I love my AirPods and my Healy, too - even as I go outside to ground myself daily, and wear my orgonite pendant. (Yes, I know about air tube headphones to reduce EMF exposure. I researched extensively, got a great pair, still hated them.)
When I was younger, I was desperate to get my hands on the newest tech as it came out…but around ten years ago, we began noticing how it wanted to collect more and more data as a condition of using it.
So many app permissions… Why do they all want my location, hmm?
The "ten year challenges" on social media, for example, are a great way to get us all to feed AI loads of tagged photo data, so it can learn to predict the aging process in humans more accurately.
One of the filters on TikTok in maybe 2017 was cute bear ears and a surgical face mask with a little bear nose on it.
Anybody remember that one? It was bizarre at the time, and we laughed about it, because why would anybody want to see themselves in a surgical mask?
It didn’t occur to us until 2020, that the reason that filter existed was to supply AI with data they'd need to reverse-engineer facial recognition technology for our smartphones a few years later, once face masks became "mandated" in many places around the world.
Especially in the digital sphere: if something’s free, your attention might be the product.
Nothing to fear or avoid per se - but something to be aware of.
Frequency healing is a hot topic right now—everything is made of energy, frequency, and vibration, and we’re starting to realize that we can harness and apply specific frequencies for our benefit.
This is the scientific stuff behind meditation, heart-brain coherance, and many other ancient and modern techniques for healing.
Frequency healing may also look like experiencing physical locations on Earth (Sedona, ley line convergences, or the beach, for example). This is one reason why we feel transformed after a nice vacation, and why it used to be valid for a doctor to “prescribe” a trip to the countryside to improve one’s health.
Frequency healing can also look like using tools (sound, EFT, homeopathy, flower essences), or even tech - anything from massage chairs to Solfeggio music - to shift our vibration mindfully.
If you do some digging, you’ll see that using frequencies to heal the human body is not a new idea.
However, the better these things work, the more they are capable of disrupting the balance of a for-profit medical system.
This is why frequency healing tools are suppressed, censored heavily, dismissed as a placebo at best - or even banned.
Frequency healing is real, verifiable, and well documented. Homeopathy, for example, has been consistently dismissed and ridiculed, despite the fact that it’s been extensively used by the royal family for almost a century. (“Healing for me, and not for thee”...?)
The new thing that’s happening with frequency healing is a device called the Healy.
It allows us to harness and utilize specific frequencies for healing our body, mind, and even our emotions.
Healy uses Bluetooth to download specific frequencies that are attuned to various parts of the body, emotional states, and much more - and then transmits those frequencies to our body via wearable wristbands (similar to a TENS unit), or by using a Healy coil, that creates a torus field surrounding the device and you.
Healy is getting a lot of hype in wellness communities right now, because it does get results, and it’s a really clever piece of technology.
The programs on Healy vary by which tier you get - and they’re transferred to the device via the app on your smartphone—so they can be changed, removed, or updated. Then each program is downloaded via Bluetooth to your Healy device, at the time you’re ready to run them.
With the top-tier Healy, you can also program it with existing frequencies that are specific to your environment - for instance, your grandmother’s white rosebush, or water from the local river, under the light of next month’s full moon.
One of the most interesting things about Healy is that it scans your body every 10 seconds and slightly adjusts the frequency it’s transmitting, so it will be in harmony with your body’s precise needs in each moment. This means that even if you run the same program twice, it’s ‘alive’ - and will respond to our changing needs.
How would a piece of technology do this? I think it’s a brilliant use of AI.
Folks in general, and specifically folks in holistic communities, are wary of tech being used to influence our subtle energetic body - so I can understand the hesitancy around this device.
However - if you drive by 5G towers on your way to town, if you drive a car that’s newer than a 1993, if you’re reading this on a laptop or smartphone, or have WiFi in your home…tech is already influencing you in many ways.
With Healy, we get to consciously choose and participate in the frequencies we’re being exposed to, and I think that’s a positive, mindful use of tech.
Healy can even mimic the frequency of an endangered species of herb or fungi that would be otherwise threatened by extensive harvesting and overuse.
The idea that we don’t need to use the whole plant, or travel to sacred sites to tap in to the frequency these things offer… I think it’s compelling and wonderful.
I got my Healy in early 2021, and it’s been so helpful for us.
I use it when I’m having trouble relaxing, as extra immune support if I feel a bit run-down, or to help the family with specific issues, like sore muscles or a headache - or even a super-stressful bout of emotions. It was absolutely a game-changer in mitigating my pain when I was ill last year.
We are physical beings on a physical world, just as much as we are spiritual beings in an energetic universe.
I don’t think we were put on this planet as punishment, nor do I think that we should be aspiring to escape to a digital world like the Oasis in Ready Player One.
At first, I was pretty resistant to things like AI - kind of like Mr. Weasley, when he warns the kids in Harry Potter about dark magical objects, saying not to trust anything that can think for itself if you can’t see where it keeps its brain.
I used to be anti-TV and anti-video games, too - but that evolved and changed over time as I realized that restricting my kiddos from technology wouldn’t be much different from forbidding them art supplies, or books. They’re tools, and it’s all down to how we use them.
Just recently, my oldest son gifted me a book written entirely by AI - and I have never laughed so hard at anything in my life! It’s comedy gold - from digital ‘consciousness’.
One of the plagues of this era is our habit of operating solely from the mind - and the cure is embodiment. Living from the neck up is a recipe for psychosis.
Instead, we center on our heart-brain coherence; feel into our intuition, somatic awareness and gut-knowing - instead of always relying on facts and logic.
» This is a key concept in everything I teach about - from sovereign pregnancy to Human Design.
Too often, we ignore, avoid, and aim to separate from our physical, lived experience in a human body - whether that’s thru dissociation and vices, or chasing so-called enlightenment (aka spiritual bypassing).
I know a lot of people seem to imagine human bodies as little more than electric meat suits.
However, through the teachings of mystics like Inelia Benz, I’ve come to regard the human body as a type of elemental: something with physical form that has its own consciousness and lived experience, similar to the nature elementals or hearth guardians of Shinto or Celtic lore.
Humans are a two-part being: body elemental and soul/spirit - and we need both to be fully human.
The body is therefore not ‘dead weight’, it’s a crucial part of our incarnation experience!
Shamans and mystics of every era understood that humanity is not separate from nature, nor are we a part of nature; we are nature.
The paradox is that we, as nature, created things like AI and Healy - so maybe the ghost in the machine isn’t something to fear or avoid, but something to stay curious about.
In writing this article, I’ve simply wanted to share my perspective and experiences - both with Healy, and about my thoughts around tech and AI in general. I’m not your average granola-mama who villainizes video games and wants to disappear into the forest! :)
I’m also not trying to hype you up, because I want to be authentic and offer a balanced perspective based on my own experience. I think Healy has great applications for the future of mind-body wellness, and I feel glad I have one - even if I also use herbs, homeopathy, supplements, and other non-frequency healing tools.
If you decide you want a Healy, they have an amazing referral program (it’s different from an MLM).
Please take a look by clicking here if you’re in the USA!
Not in the US? Here’s my Global link - just click your region, and see what they have to offer.
FYI, I got the Holistic Health version - mid-tier - but I really wish I’d gotten the Pro, a Healy coil, and a MagHealy too!
The MagHealy is new…and it harmonizes the frequency in an environment, not just your body…but I digress.
What are your thoughts on frequency healing and AI tech? I’d love to hear about it in the comments!