Everything is connected.
I realized this as a core truth in my life over 20 years ago, and it continues to weave all the seemingly disparate elements of my life together…things like prosperity and wealth, relationships, human design, and finding mystics and mentors worth listening to!
Lately, I’ve been reading about the Fae, using flower essences regularly, and studying something called flower psychometry (a healing and divination art of the Romani people, my ancestors).
I also take time to meditate, sungaze, and walk outdoors almost daily.
Similar to my Human Design studies - the sum of these things somehow becomes greater than each part.
These practices have an incredibly positive impact on my wellbeing and almost have the effect of bending time - because the rest of the hours in my day are more useful, clear, and enjoyable when I take time to do these things.
I’ve been actively working on my money consciousness since 2013 - and I’ve been studying Human Design for almost 9 years.
Ages ago, I wrote about money as akin to the energy of water - because it is a currency, and wants to be fluid and moving. That was helpful to me at the time, but now I realize it wasn’t the entire picture.
Inelia Benz (my mentor) talks about money as an elemental that is extremely similar to the energy of Gaia, our mother Earth - something that’s meant to feel supportive, warm, and nourishing.
Of course, the core essence of money has been co-opted and corrupted in a wide variety of ways in the past 100+ years - which keeps people confused and limited by how this energy is meant to express in the lives of so many of us who regard ourSelves as healers, lightworkers….or really, anyone who has a conscience!
Listening to Inelia Benz’ reconnecting with the spirit of money exercise has been really helpful in identifying and clearing away unhelpful conditioning that I’ve picked up around money.
It’s a form of energetic hygiene, to examine and clear your beliefs regularly!
We need money to thrive in modern society. I used to resist this, and rebel against it - but reframing money as an elemental allows me to view it as a consciousness, an elemental being that I can build a relationship with.
Naturally, I’m also interested in how money, abundance, prosperity, and wealth are expressed via our Human Design charts…
In Human Design, there’s one Channel called “the Money Line” (21-45) - and it’s interesting to look at the charts of famous people to see which wealthy people have it - and which ones don’t.
Many things in Human Design are unlikely to express their greatest potential within a single person - because we are electromagnetic beings, meant to co-create with our fellow humans.
When our auras connect, we also become greater than the sum of our parts - and we experience the magic of being in relationship with each other.
So if you’ve got gate 21, and your biz partner has the 45, your auras combine to create the Money Line Channels. That means you might just spark a phenomenal business that you build and execute together!
This might make a more potent connection than the full Channel, as expressed in a single being.
Our Human Design charts hold potential energies for constancy or fluidity in each planetary activation - and in each - there’s a challenge and a gift, two sides of that energetic frequency. Then of course, it matters where this energy is in your chart, and how you, personally, are expressing and experiencing it.
If you’re also curious to talk about money as an elemental energy, how we can decondition from unhelpful beliefs around it, and where it’s likely to show up and express via our Human Design charts - I’d like to invite you to my upcoming workshop called Money Mojo in Human Design.
This will be via Zoom on December 7th, and I’d love for you to join the conversation…
Please don’t get distracted when you click on that link - because I have another thing to share with you, if you’re willing to hear it!
As I’ve learned about Human Design over the last 9 years, I’ve noticed that many ‘official’ teachers did not resonate with me - and so I’ve simply studied on my own, using my discernment, and being open and receptive to how I might develop my skills more deeply.
For the past several years, I’ve observed Karen Curry Parker with interest. She’s unlike anyone else in the Human Design space - and it turns out that several other women whose work I admire … trained with her. She speaks about healing and energy in ways that feel similar to Inelia Benz’ work. She has also birthed 5 children, and is trained in flower essences and EFT (like me!). Recently, I went through her Relationships in Human Design training and LOVED her fresh, sovereign, and growth-oriented perspective.
After almost a decade of pursuing my own path as a Human Design guide - I finally found a mentor that I can feel fully confident in!
I have decided to begin Quantum Human Design training and certification with Karen Curry Parker - and I’d LOVE your support and encouragement in meeting this goal!
She has a generous payment plan and discount that she’s extended to me, personally - and in order to join the live cohort that starts next month, I need to raise the money to cover my bills as well as the first payment of this training program.
In order to take advantage of Karen’s beautiful offer to train with her in a live cohort (which may not be available again until 2026!), I must raise $1500 by December 4th.
I have learned enough about Human Design in both money AND relationships to know, I can’t do this alone!
1. You can create a WIN for both of us by making a purchase! My Human Design readings AND my Holographic Self program are both on special now thru December 1st. I will be changing and updating Holographic Self after the end of the year, so if you want access to this robust and phenomenal program, now is your best opportunity to do so!
Please use this link to take 30% off my Human Design readings, as well as the Holographic Self program:
2. You can help me by sharing my work - either this blog, or any of my Instagram posts - so that even more aligned beings will find me!
Here’s my Instagram:
I’ve recently made ALL of my Human Design blogs free to read, so this link will be fantastic to share, too:
3. You can send a donation to show your love and support for my goal!
Since money is a frequency, your donation in any amount communicates a ‘YES!’ to the universe, helping me to grow and thrive - so that I can serve more people at a higher level, to navigate relationships, energy, and new paradigm self-empowerment.
Here is my PayPal link:
My Venmo is @KrystalTrammell
I also have a Wise account that easily accepts international payments!
(I’ve recently added a language translation feature to my website, so that it can be accessed in multiple languages)
Thank you for your love, light, high-frequency support and intent as I magnetize the needed resources to thrive and fully develop my skills as a certified Human Design analyst!
I feel so delighted to have finally, after 9 years, found a mentor worth pursuing in the world of Human Design - and I can’t wait to see how this training expands and refines my impact and influence. I’m excited to be able to share this journey with you, friend.
xo ~ Krystal
You mean you choose to raise 1500$ by Dec 4th?