It’s funny, but part of my human design is about “obscurity” - meaning, my work and my message in life isn’t likely to resonate with just anyone.
I’ve always noticed that, and it used to upset me. For awhile, I even tried to become more appealing to the masses - but then I realized, my work became bland, and lost that something that made it relatable, impactful, and real.
However, when the right person, at the right time, comes across my insights, they are inspired by a realization or idea that seemed previously hidden to them…
I’ve come to learn that THIS is the way my unique genius operates in the world.
In practical terms, that means I’ve got to be creative about getting the word out about my work, so it doesn’t stay secret—!
In Human Design terms…it has to do with my incarnation cross - called the Left Angle Cross of Obscurity. It’s made up of four main gates or gene keys: 61, 62, 50, and 3. Each pair has to do with the placement of my conscious and unconscious sun and earth in my chart (similar to astrology).
The 61 and 62 are programming partners, and so are the 50 and the 3 - this means they have a “push/pull” energy about them, a bit like opposing forces that help each other to stay balanced.
Each gate/key holds a sort of flavor, or keynote, with specific gifts and challenges. Together with their lines (in my case - the 6 and the 2 - also known as “profile” in Human Design), these four placements make up almost 70% of our personality!
Together these four gates make up what’s called the Incarnation Cross in Human Design - or the activation sequence in Gene Keys.
I prefer calling it the ‘genius sequence’, because it acknowledges that each of us have our own unique genius that we can apply to our evolution and purpose in this lifetime.
Just so you know, I offer Genius Key readings on my website, where we delve into your four Sun and Earth gates, along with the gifts, challenges, and animal archetypes associated with each of them.
I’ve also decided to offer you the opportunity to win a free reading in exchange for sharing my blog!
If you enjoy my work, it would really help me out if you share my articles and invite your friends to subscribe and read, too.
Here’s how you can help me be less ‘obscure’…and win a free reading!
1. Share this blog. When you use the referral link below, or the “Share” button on any post, you'll get credit for any new subscribers. Simply send the link in a text, email, or share it on social media with friends.
2. Earn perks. When more friends use your referral link to subscribe (free or paid), you’ll receive special benefits.
Get access to my Parenting by {Human} Design video workshop for 3 referrals
Get a pre-recorded Human Design mini-reading of your chart for 10 referrals
Get a pre-recorded Genius Key (Incarnation Cross) reading for 20 referrals
I think this will be really fun to offer - and thanks in advance for helping me to connect with your friends! Thank you for helping get the word out about my work!