welcome to my brain {a link collection}
I thought it would be fun to share a wide variety of articles I’ve saved over the years...enjoy!
{each one of these is a special gem!}
The Terrible Tragedy of the Healthy Eater
Jamie and Jeff’s Birth Plan
This is Why I'll Never be an Adult
Walk With Me Now - Empowerment Forum
This is the membership community of my longtime teacher and mentor, Inelia Benz. You can read her extensive work on Substack, too.
Trauma makes you live in 'backwards world.'
{I reference the concept of "upside-down world" or “backwards world” often in conversation. Decisions made in a backwards world make sense if you're in that world--but then you can't seem to figure out why others have it all together and you don't. You can't logic yourself out of backwards world, either. When you're in it, the things that SHOULD be red flags have been normalized for you, so you let them slide...but the things that others would find innocuous, even positive--you take them as danger signs and sound the alarm, perhaps running away, deciding against a new opportunity, or being suspicious of a potential new relationship in your life. Living in upside-down world means you're at risk of making lousy decisions, often.}
Tom Kenyon - music for consciousness re-wiring
Can’t explain it - just go listen. His music is free on his website. There’s also a documentary about him on YouTube. Interestingly, he’s also the co-author (with his wife) of a channeled book called The Magdalen Manuscript: The Alchemies of Horus and the Sex Magic of Isis. I haven’t read it yet but it’s on my shelf!
Against School
{John Taylor Gatto was an early and vocal critic of modern schools - after being awarded NYC teacher of the year}
A woman's greatest enemy? A lack of time to herself
{One of the most radical things I do, is not "doing anything" for long stretches of time. I wish I could get better at doing it in ways that didn't annoy or inconvenience my loved ones...but I also wish I could do it more...luxuriously.}
Why time is a feminist issue
{on “time confetti” and the default setting of women-always-available…or maybe, in modern world, it’s become everyone-always-available!}
“Well, Duh!” — Ten Obvious Truths That We Shouldn’t Be Ignoring
{Alfie Kohn breaks down what’s wrong with typical parenting}
6 Things to Do Instead of Helicopter Parenting Your Young Children
Quit Pointing Your Avocado At Me
{Glennon Doyle’s early musings}
Who The Kunlangeta Are And Why They Matter
{Mathew Crawford explains sociopaths and how they run modern society}
The False Choices That Steal Our Future
{on ‘radical’ financial freedom)
What Detransitioners Taught Me About the Risks of Therapy
{lest you think I’m prejudiced … the point of this is to take everything with a grain of salt, and not to turn your kids over to so-called experts. you are meant to be the expert on your child - even if you don’t feel like you are.}
Thinking of Becoming a Vegetarian? Well, You Can’t.
{hard truths about the cycle of life}
Your Lifestyle Has Already Been Designed
{on the 9-5, 40-hour grind of wastefulness and how maybe, the US works way harder than the rest of the world, for steadily diminishing gains}
How To Create A Wildly Prosperous 15 Hour Work Week!
{Leonie Dawson was my first online biz inspirations, back in 2010}
How to Move Through the Five Stages of Business (and Beat Your Money Blocks!)
{Denise Duffield-Thomas is the queen bee of money mindset work, and it’s been a delight to watch her grow from fellow biz mastermind participant c. 2012, to the global success she is now}
I Cut the 'Big Five' Tech Giants From My Life. It Was Hell
{This entire series explains just HOW entangled we are in a web of tech - even if we think we’re not}
How Much Money Makes You Happy? Scientists Pinpoint Amount
{as many mystics and lightworker-types are noticing, it’s really nice and not at all “greedy” to have money to buy the things that keep your physical body safe, warm, fed, and comfortable}
Wealth, shown to scale
{this is an interactive, visual aid that’s seriously mind-blowing. Spend 5 minutes scrolling and then, go outside to clear your head.}
Reconnecting with the Spirit of Money
{Inelia has gifted us this free exercise to help us connect with the spirit of money - like an elemental - that just wants to express itself :)